→ GRST. NR. 27 EZ 36 KG SCHWARZAU 62321

Installation with loaned objects | 2013 | installation size 23 x 11 m
Image: DIE MÜHLE – Raum für alternative Kunstformen, Schwarzau (2013)

For the installation GRST. NR. 27 EZ 36 KG SCHWARZAU 62321, 97 objects were loaned from the publicly accessible permaculture plot managed by Annemarie Zach – an organic farmer and artist who has been running her unconventionally designed garden in the town centre of Schwarzau since 2007.
Over the course of a two-week stay on the farm, the majority of the site was cartographically mapped by means of a systematic procedure. The resulting map was intended to define the natural disorder as part of a deliberately arranged spatial plan, and to deliberately bestow the numerous sculptures, objects, plants and material remains with a sense of belonging, enabling a clearer overview to be obtained. The subsequent staging of a museum environment using selected loaned objects from the garden made it possible to bring the individual objects together into a discrete unit. Positioned in relation to one another, the materials come to share the same level of meaning and are thus connected to each other, enabling some surprising parallels to be drawn. A catalogue was also created depicting the most important places in the garden, as defined by Ms Zach.
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